Related {: menu} Stage {: menu} Controller {: menu}

EXC | DEV | Documentation | Version 1.0

# Views # {: #views } This topic applies to the Front-End framework.

A view is a fragment of HTML like the following.

<div class="view" name="myView" data-controller="myController">
	<b>My View Contents</b>
An alternate format is to use a JSON string with the view definition.

<div class="view" data-view='{"name":"myView", "controller":"myController", "type":"modal"}'>
	<b>My View Contents</b>
You place the html fragment representing your view inside the <body> of your page. In our backend there are various ways to include a view, see Building the UI for more details. Later we will also see how to add views dynamically from javascript.

When loading your app EXC will load the views it finds on your page. EXC will treat any DOM element with the css class "view" as an actual view.

While a view may be just plain html, in EXC a view is where we place components.

## The Stage ## {: #stage }

The stage is where our views live. We use the exc.stage object to display our view. Be sure to read the stage documentation to lear more.

## View controller ## {: #view_controller }

You may have notice that our view's <div> have a controller attribute for example:

<div class="view" name="myView" data-controller="myController">
Every view gets a controller assigned. By default a view is assigned to your app controller, unless you specify a different one.

The attribute data-controller specifies the name of the controller associated with a view.

The associated controller is able to handle events initiated by the view, its child components or events not handled by child views.

self.loginController = {
	initialize: function(){
	viewReady: function(msg){
		console.log("@loginController.viewReady() %o", msg);
	loginUser_change: function(msg){
		//lets validate the user name...
If an event is not implemented by a controller the event will eventually be received by your APP controller where it maybe handled or broadcasted as a message.

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