EXC | DEV | Documentation | Version 1.0

Working with views and the stage

This topic applies to the Front-End framework.


The stage is what we call the layout where we display your UI. A stage is made of multiple views through which the user navigates.

The object exc.stage provides the functionality to manage the views and handle the basic navigation between your views.

Showing a View

	exc.stage.show(aView, options);


aView is an instance of a view object or a string with the name of an existing view.

options is a plain object with options. This parameter is optional.

Option Description
'modal' boolean, indicates if view is displayed as a modal panel. default value is false.
'push' boolean, indicates if view is added to the navigation stack. default value is true.
The function exc.stage.show() displays a view on the stage and adds it to the navigation stack.

Closing the current View

Closes the current view on the stage and pops the previous one into view.

Events & Messages

Event Parameters Description
viewShouldClose stage message Tells the controller that a request to remove a view form the stage was received.
viewWillEnterStage stage message Tells the controller that a request to add the view to the stage was received.
viewDidEnterStage stage message Tells the controller that a view is on the stage.
viewWillClose view Tells the controller that view is about to close.
viewShow view Tells the controller that view displayed.
viewChanged view Tells the controller that a view's contents changed.

Stage Message

The parameter of message handler for a stage message is just a plain object with the members stage and an optional view.
	viewShouldClose: function(msg){
		console.log("Stage: %o", msg.stage);
		console.log("View: %o", msg.view);

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