ExponentialWorks Website
Basic use
PixMap is a bitmap editor that allows you to export 1bit images in different formats. Bitmaps images are mainly use when programming user interfaces for LCD.
Export formats supported: XBM, PixFont
Import formats supported: XBM, XBMP, SVG, PNG, BMP, JPEG, PixFont
Pix Font
A Pix Font is a proportional 1bit monochrome pixel font for LCD and the Arduino UIKIT library. A PixFont only supports ascii and extended ascii characters, that is from character 1 (0x01) to 255 (0xFF).
Use the font icon to create a new font. Enter the standard width and height of the font. Enter the first character in the font and the last. The baseline is the hight of a character relative to the height. The space under the baseline is used for descent portions of a character like in the case of the "p", "j" etc.
Pix Font Format
The first 6 bytes is the header. Followed by the pixel data for each glyph in the font.
A glyph starts with one byte indicating its actual width. It followed with a number of bytes for the pixel data. The actual pixel data is stored using the same format as XBM.
#define ICON_WIDTH 16
#define ICON_HEIGHT 16
const uint8_t ui_icn_file16[] PROGMEM = {