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EXC Frontend Framework

The frontend framework is the set of javascript libraries used to create apps with EXC.

This documentation is in its early stages. Things are thrown together in a haphazard way, Sorry!.


{: .md-topics-hero } - Core - Wire
Application Composition and Control. - Chain
A helper function to make it easier to create sequential code flow for callbacks and asynchronous logic. - Promise
A utility object to simplify the use of asynchronous code. It is similar to a native promise but adds some useful behaviors to make it more enjoyable! - Callbacks
Using callbacks in EXC with some helper functions and extra functionality. - HTTP and AJAX
Making HTTP requests. - Observers, Data Source and JSON API

{: .md-topics-hero } - Traits - Emitter
Use the Emitter to add publisher/subscriber functionality to an object. - Controller
Adds controller functionality to an object. - Thenable
Use Thenable to add promise like "then" functionality to an object.

{: .md-topics-hero } - App - Controllers
Creating and using controllers in your javascript front-end. - The Controller's Manifest
Adding dependencies of your controller with a manifest. - Backend
Interact with the backend.

{: .md-topics-hero } - UI/UX - Views
How to use views in your app. - Stage
How to control views and user navigation in your app with the stage. - Components
Using components and widgets. - Component Table
Using the TABLE component. - Expansions
Using magic attributes and other expansions. - Models
Manage data with models.

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