EXC | DEV | Documentation

EXC Backend Framework

The backend framework is the set of php scripts used to create apps with EXC or build generic backend apps.

This documentation is in its early stages. Things are thrown together in a haphazard way, Sorry!.


{: .md-topics-hero } - Back-End - Controllers
Creating and using controllers in your php code. - Events and Messages
Understanding events and using event handlers. - Configuration options
How to start and configure an app. - Views
Creating views for pages, html fragments and components. - Database
Using a database and managed connections.

{: .md-topics-hero } - Concepts and advance topics - Routes
Routing in EXC and defining your own API routes. - Writing Extensions
Creating and using extensions. - .htaccess
Configuring APACHE .htaccess file.

{: .md-topics-hero } - Classes and Objects - Class Controller
Controllers class. - Class APP
App class. - Class Controller
Controllers class. - Core Classes and Traits
Useful functionality provided by the core classes and traits.

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