EXC | DEV | Documentation | Version 1.0

Getting Started

This guide applies to EXC Server Side Framework or SSF.

We will create a basic sample employee application to learn the basics of EXC. Lets create a folder named employee for our app.

Structure of your app

EXC does not have a particular folder structure. We do recommend a structure that allows to build more secure apps for example:

└── myapp/
    ├── src/
	|   ├── controller.app.php
	|	└── controller.login.php
    ├── css/
    ├── js/
	└── index.php
In this example we place the php code inside a src folder where it can be jailed away from the public using a simple .htaccess file under Apache. See our .htaccess recommendations to secure your app.

Your startup script

Your app needs a startup php file that loads EXC and handles the incoming requests. Usually this is your index.php or a app.php file. In reality it can have any name. For the purpose of this guide we will use the file index.php.

In your startup file we add the following code
require_once('../exc/exc.php'); //include EXC

\exc\bootloader::run();  //load EXC
The line require_once('../exc/exc.php') includes EXC. Make sure you use the correct path to the "exc.php" file. In this example the file is located in a folder named exc

The code \exc\bootloader::run(); is what starts EXC and runs your application.

The application controller

Once EXC starts the lifecycle of your app is managed by the Application Controller. The application controller is explained in more detail here.

Lets create a file controller.app.php and place in your src folder. In this file we will add our appController class like this one:

class appController extends \exc\controller\appController {
	public function config(){
		//config our app...
	public function initialize(){
		error_log("--- @appController->initialize() ---");
	public function unhandled($msg){
		//called when a message is not implemented
		error_log("@appController->unhandled ---- $msg");
	public function willDispatchAction($actionName){
		//about to execute an action
		//we can change the action by returning a different action name here

Configure your app

The function config() in your appController is a message handler that will be called to configure your application. The configuration options are explained in detail here.

Lets add some configuration options.

class appController extends \exc\controller\appController {
	public function config(){
		$options = [
			'uid' => "ACMEEMP"; //our app identifier, every app needs an identifier...

		return $options;
In our config handler we return an array of options. In this example we identify our application by assigning a uid.

Your controllers

The bread and butter of the your app are controllers. A traditional UI based application uses controllers of type viewController, services and CLI applications use the processController. You will create instances of one of these to implement your app.

Lets create an instance of viewController for an employee record, our controller will be named "record".

Controllers must be created in a file by themselves, we create a file named controller.record.php in our src folder.

Create an instance of viewController like this:

class recordController extends \exc\controller\viewController {
	public function initialize(){
		//this is called when EXC creates the instance of your controller
	public function onAction_main(){
		//this is our default action
	public function onAction_show(){
		//show our employee record...
	public function unhandled($msg){
		//message not implemented
		error_log('[ACME EMPLOYEE APP] MESSAGE [' . $msg . '] NOT IMPLEMENTED');

The main job of your controller is to responde to events. An event may be an action from your front-end or you may get a message from the framework itself.

Any controller can listen to an "event" by creating an event function. An event function is simply a function named on + message_name.

For example when the app is ready an event appInit will be published, to handle the appInit event we just add the function onAppInit to our controller.

	public function onAppInit(){
		//this is a message function
		//this function will be executed when an ```appInit``` message is published
See the section on events to learn more on the different messages that EXC will publish and how to publish your own.

In the other hand the client (frontend) can request an action from your backend controller, lets said the action showRecord to show an employee record. TO handle this action request we will simply add this event function:
	public function onShowRecord(){
		//my code here...

NOTE An action name is case insensitive, therefor showRecord and showrecord are the same.

Building the user interface

The user interface is build using views and EXC's built-in templating functionality.

A view is used to build your user interface. In EXC we can manipulate views from the server side prior to serving the content to the browser or dynamically in the client side.

A "view" is a php file named view.myname.php, where myname is the actual name of your view.

See Views Documentation to learn more about views.

You place your views in a folder named views in your app folder.

A view file contains html in combination with the templeting functionality.

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