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# Request # {#request}

Use the request object to get information regarding the HTTP request that is currently being handle by your back-end app.

## Using the request ## {#gettingreq}

Obtain an instance of the request object with \exc\app::request().
$request = \exc\app::request();
## Getting parameters ## {#getparams}

Traditional data send using query params (the parameters after a ?) or form data send over an HTTP POST is available using the params array:

//for a url like http://example.com/myapp.php?id=125&type=emp

$request = \exc\app::request();

$id = $request->params['id'];

$type = 'visitor';
if( $request->has('type') ){
	$type = $request->params['type'];

## Getting a JSON document ## {#getjson}

JSON data send with a content-type of application/json or application/vnd.api+json is available in the document array. JSON data is the de-facto payload that your back-end will receive from API requests and most interactions with an EXC front-end.

$request = \exc\app::request();

$id = $request->document['id'];

# REQUEST Object # {#reqobj}

## Property $method ## {#propmethod}

A string with the corresponding HTTP method used, for example "get", "post", "delete", "put".

$method = $request->method

## Property $params ## {#propparams}

Array of key-value pairs representing HTTP query-params or form data.

$value = $request->params['name']

## Property $document ## {#propdoc}

Array of key-value pairs representing a JSON payload.

$value = $request->document['name']

## Property $elements ## {#propelem}

A zero based array with the URL elements of an API request.

$value = $request->elements[0]

## Function has() ## {#fnhas}

Returns true if a key exists in the request parameters, else it returns false.



$keyName (string)(required) The name of the key to test.

## Function param() ## {#fnparam}

Returns the value of a request parameter if exists.

$value = $request->param($keyName, $defaultValue)

Returns the value of the parameter if present, else it returns the value passed in $defaultValue or else it returns NULL.


$keyName (string)(required) The name of the key to get its value.
$defaultValue (any)(optional) The value to return if the key is not present.

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