EXC | DEV | Documentation | Version 1.0


Extensions provide the means to easily add functionality to an application.

File Structure

Each extension must be in its own folder. The folder must be placed inside EXC's "extensions" folder.

The name of the folder is a unique extension identifier in lowercase.

The name of an extension must use only letters and the underscore.

The folder must contain a main php file responsible of loading your extension. This file must be named as follows:

"ext." + "name" + ".php"

For example if the extension name is "sso" then a file named "ext.sso.php" must be found inside your extension folder.

Writing an extension

Each extension must use a namespace, you may use namespace ext\myname;.

By default the following variables are available:

Variable Description
$app An instance of your AppController.
$exc_extension_dir A string with the path to the current extension folder.
$exc_extension_name A string with the name of your extension.

Using classes

We recommend using classes in your extension. A good approach to initialize your extension is to write a "manager" class and call a static initialization function.

namespace ext\myname;
class manager extends \exc\base {
	public static function initialize(){
		//init code here...


Using closures

A good way to write your init code is using a closures:

	error_log('Initializing my extension');

	//check compatibility
	if (version_compare(EXC_VERSION, '1.0.5') < 0) {
		error_log('EXC:ERROR:EXTENSION AUTH REQUIRES EXC VERSION 1.0.0 or greater');

	//my init code ....



Options for an extension are set in your config() function of your appController.

$options['extension.myname'] = [
	'key1'=> "value1",
To fetch your options in your extension use:

//my required and default values
$default = [  
	'key1'=> 'value1',
	'key2'=> 'value2'

$options = \exc\options::key('/app/extension.myname');

//ensure options have my default and required values
$ops = \exc\base::extend($default, $options);

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